Language Arts
At LCS students are taught that God is the source of language. Teachers provide opportunities for students to explore the gift of language through reading, writing and oral communication, learning to fully and creatively communicate with God and others. The language arts curriculum at LCS follows a balanced-literacy framework, with all grades following the Ontario curriculum. There is a focus on science of reading which includes phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Programs used include Words Their Way and Learning Without Tears.

At LCS students are provided with the opportunity to explore the patterns, balance, harmony and order that is found in creation. Through inquiry-based learning, students are encouraged to problem-solve, make connections, apply, and extend their learning. LCS uses Jump Math and Math Makes Sense as a curriculum guide and seeks to apply real-world situations throughout their everyday teaching.

At LCS we aim for students to be “thoroughly equipped for every good work” and deeply grounded in biblical understanding. We believe Christian teachers have the unique opportunity to introduce or reaffirm to students who God is, what he does, what he is like, and to share with them his desire for relationship with us. We strive to present the Bible as a story of God’s acts and words, written so that his people might know God and themselves, accept his gift of salvation, and live lives of joyful service and obedience. We encourage students to make authentic connections between the stories of God’s people and their own lives, and to understand what responding to God means. We teach using the CSI curriculum guide for Bible called “Walking with God and His People”, which strives to nurture belief and embolden them to live the Story taught through the infallible Word of God. Our hope for our students is that by the power of the Holy Spirit working through the Word they will better understand what it means “to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8)

Creation Studies
At LCS creation studies is taught using OACS curriculum guides. The extensive OACS program encompasses science and social studies skills and is taught to students in grades one to three. Each unit focuses on the Ontario curriculum concepts and skills, but have been carefully reinterpreted to reflect a distinctive Christian worldview. Each unit points students to the awe and glory of God as Creator, thereby helping shape their faith commitment, as well as their overall understanding that our world belongs to God.
Through creation studies students are guided to:

At LCS we believe science is a way for the student to become aware of the astounding wisdom of the Master Designer. Students have the opportunity to study and discover the world around them through an exploration of the complexities of creation. OACS curriculum guides are used to teach science for grades four through eight.

Physical Education & Health
At LCS physical education is an important part of the curriculum and students are challenged to develop a positive attitude to physical fitness and teamwork. Students learn that their bodies are integral parts of their total being, and are encouraged to value and use it as a God-given tool. Through health, students learn that they are created in God’s image, and that they have been given the task of caring for creation, which includes being caretakers of themselves. They are taught about subjects such as personal and dietary health, personal safety, body systems, diseases, and substance use and abuse through a Christian perspective.

Art is a gift from God, through which students’ creative abilities and techniques are developed. Students are taught that as created beings, when we create art, we glorify our Creator through our imitations of His masterpieces, and through our exploration of being original makers. Lessons are centred on teaching the elements and principles of design: line, shape and form, space, colour, texture, value, contrast, repetition and rhythm, variety, emphasis, proportion, balance, unity and harmony, and movement, and open students up to the joy and creativity of God’s world.

God’s gift of music can touch the human heart. Music provides an outlet to express thoughts and bring praise to our Creator. The music curriculum at LCS incorporates performance, technique, listening, history and theory. Students in JK-grade 8 are taught by a specialized music teacher. For the performance component of the music program students participate in singing, recorders, Drum Fit or tone chimes. Students enjoy preparing musical offerings for occasions like Christmas, Grandparents’ Day, assemblies and The Celebration of Learning. One of our goals is to promote the enjoyment of music for life.

Technology plays an important part in the lives of our students. Students are taught to be responsible stewards and develop the skills and tools to prepare them to take up their task in God’s world. Two mobile Chromebook carts are available for student use.

Students are taught that language is a gift from God and are taught both printing and cursive skills as a method of effectively communicating. Students are taught using the Handwriting Without Tears program.

The French program at LCS encourages students to communicate in another language as well as to develop an appreciation for our bi-lingual Canadian culture. Students are taught using the AIM curriculum and participate in a variety of different French dramas over their time at LCS.
Social Studies
At LCS we aim to equip our students to have historical wisdom, synthesizing information, knowledge, skills, concepts, and discernment and then exploring what God is asking them to do with that wisdom in their time. Students also explore both the physical world and our relationship with the world and see how we have responded to mankind’s task of developing and maintaining the earth. OACS curriculum guides are used to teach social studies for grades four through eight.